Federation of European and International Associations established in Belgium
Internal rules
presented to GA 06/2018
Can be admitted as Associate Members, natural persons or legal entities who, through their accession, demonstrate their interest for FAIB and extend their support by contributing effectively to the activities of FAIB.
FAIB will review the membership every five (5) years based on the level of contribution.
When applying for membership, the applicant must indicate in its application whether the application is made in his/her own name or in the name of a legal entity.
If the applicant is admitted in his/her own name, his/her membership will remain personal. The associate member will not be allowed to assign or transfer his/her membership to a third party.
If the applicant is admitted as a legal entity, it must designate in its application the natural person, called permanent representative, who will represent the associate member in its relationship with FAIB. A replacement of the permanent representative must be submitted in writing to the FAIB for prior written approval. However, in view of the participation of the associate member to the activities of FAIB, with the prior written approval of FAIB, the associate member may designate other partners, associates, employees or colleagues within its own organisation to participate to these activities.
The partnership agreement between FAIB and commercial partners - the activities of which are in line with those of FAIB – is signed for an initial period of two years, tacitly renewable for consecutive periods of one year. The resignation of the partner can be submitted by registered mail at least three (3) months prior to the expiration of the initial period of one year or any renewal period. It will take effect on 1st January of the year following the resignation.
Although the FAIB statutes do not foresee a maximum number of Board Members, priority will be given to candidates active in a member association, to ensure a representation of diverse types of member associations (such as NGOs, trade and professional associations) is attained as well as to aim for gender balance.
The Board of Directors will set up working groups as required to work on specific issues based on terms of reference established by the Secretariat. All FAIB members will be invited to join the working groups and to participate in their work. Working groups will be dissolved after two years maximum unless the Board of Directors renews their mandates.
- Chairs the meetings of the General Assembly and Board of Directors of which he/she ensures the regularity and smooth running.
- He/she ensures that every agenda item of the GA / BoD is adequately documented, and that the required action or decisions are taken after the issue has been discussed by the Board.
- The President may be consulted on current matters if a decision is required between two meetings of the Board.
- He/she represents the Federation towards external national and international authorities as well as towards any other official body and – if relevant – communicates the position taken at the level of the Board of Directors of the Federation.
- He/she will promote the objectives and activities of the Federation.
- He//she works in close cooperation with the Secretary General.
- He/she is an authorised signatory of the Federation jointly with the Secretary General and / or the Treasurer for important financial operations above a limit determined by the Board of Directors.
- The Vice-President acts as a Member of the Board and may be called upon to replace or assist the President in the performance of his/her duties.
- The Vice-President is aware of the mission and vision of FAIB and has the appropriate experience of working with the Federation.
- The Treasurer is responsible for the overall financial management of the Federation.
- He/she oversees the implementation of the financial policy decided by the Board of Directors.
- He/she oversees the preparation of the draft budget and financial report to be approved by the Board prior to submission to the General Assembly.
- He/she ensures that the strategy decided by the Board and General Assembly be reflected in the budget to allow its implementation.
- He/she is an authorised signatory of the Federation jointly with the Secretary General and/ or the President for important financial operations above the limit determined by the Board of Directors
The level and threshold for membership fees is based on the turnover of the member association. It may be adapted by the General Assembly based upon the proposal of the Board of Directors.
- When appropriate, FAIB will issue position papers developed by the Federation’s Secretariat or by working groups led by an appointed Chairman.
- Position papers developed by a working group will first be approved by the working group before being submitted to the Board of Directors for final approval.
- Position papers developed by the Secretariat will be adopted once submitted to the Board of Directors for comment and/or discussion and approval.
- Every effort shall be made to reach consensus on a Position, but if this proves to be impossible, decisions shall be made on the basis of a two thirds majority.
Positions may be signed by the President or the Secretary General